Advent Of Code 2022 - Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube

Dec 10, 2022

It's December. Time for snow, slippery roads, hot chocolate and cozy fire places. Also time for Advent of Code. An advent calendar with small, daily programming puzzles, growing progressively more difficult.

Every year I participate in a programming language I did not use for Advent of Code before, in order to learn new ways of doing things and to challenge myself. This year, that language is F#.

Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube

Summary: Given a list of CPU instructions, simulate the execution of these instructions.

There are two different instructions:

  • noop takes 1 cpu cycle and does nothing.
  • addx V takes 2 cpu cycles and after both cycles changes the value of the CPU's only register, X, by V. V can be negative.

The signal strength is the value of X multiplied by the cycle number. What is the sum of the signal strength during the 20th, 60th, 100th, 140th, 180th and 220th CPU cycle?

Example input:

addx 3
addx -5

Read the full description here.

Parsing the input, we're not actually interested in the commands. Rather, the only thing that matters is by how much X changes. In case of noop, X changes by 0. In case of addx V, X changes by V after the second cycle.

We can model this as a sequence of numbers.

let expandCommand cmd =
    match cmd |> String.split with
    | [|"noop"|] -> seq { yield 0 }
    | [|"addx"; n|] ->
        seq {
            yield 0
            yield Int32.parse n
    | _ -> failwith $"Invalid command: {cmd}"

We can then combine each tiny sequence into a large and calculate the value of X for every cycle. Note that since we're interested in the value of X during the cycle, we have to keep the initial value of X.

let xValues input =
    input |> expandCommand
    |> Seq.concat
    |> Seq.scan (+) 1

Given this list of x-values, we need to get the signal strength during the 20th cycle and every 40 cycles after that. We could index the sequence of x-values and check the modulo, but the input is small, so we don't have to.

Instead, we can just look up the items at the expected indices. If the input would have been large, we could have converted the sequence to an array instead for faster lookup.

|> (fun n -> n * Seq.item (n - 1) xValues)
|> Seq.sum

We have to get the nth item - 1 because, of course, our sequence is 0-indexed. To get the signal strength we have to mulitply the value of X by the cycle number.

Part 2

Summary: The X register controls the horizontal position of a sprite. The sprite is three pixels wide and the X register sets the horizontal position of the middle of the sprite.

The screen has 6 rows of 40 pixels each. One pixel is drawn on every CPU cycle, in order. So the top left pixel is drawn during the first cycle, while the bottom right pixel is drawn during the 240th cycle.

A lit pixel (#) is drawn when the sprite overlaps with the horizontal location of the pixel being drawn. Otherwise the pixel remains dark (.).

Which eight capital letters are displayed after the program runs to completion?

We can represent the display as an array of 240 characters, all dark at first. To update the display at a given cycle we need the cycle number and the value of the X register during that cycle.

The index in the display array is cycle % 240. The index of the sprite is the value of the X register and the index in the row is cycle % 40.

If the index in the row overlaps with the sprite we draw a #, otherwise a ..

let display = Array.create 240 '.'
let update display (cycle, x) =
    let displayIndex = cycle % 240
    let spriteIndex = x
    let lineIndex = cycle % 40
    if lineIndex >= spriteIndex - 1 && lineIndex <= spriteIndex + 1 then
        Array.updateAt displayIndex '#' display
        Array.updateAt displayIndex '.' display

Because updating the screen requires the previous update, we use scan to call update for every value of X. We use indexed to get cycle numbers.

We're only interested in the last display state. We can then take that array, split it into 6 rows and convert it to a newline separated string.

xValues |> Seq.indexed
|> Seq.scan update display
|> Seq.last
|> Array.splitInto 6
|> String.Concat
|> String.joinSeq Environment.NewLine

Then all that remains is to read the output.


One more detail needs to be adressed. Because we are only interested in the value of the X register during a cycle, the last element in our sequence of x-values is not relevant. It's the value of X after the last cycle. In my input it did not matter for the output, but for the test input it does.

There's no cheap way to drop the last value of a sequence, but since the sequence of x-values is small, we can do it the expensive way:

let butLast source =
    Seq.take (Seq.length source - 1) source

Our updated xValues then looks like this:

let xValues input =
    input |> expandCommand
    |> Seq.concat
    |> Seq.scan (+) 1
    |> Seq.butLast


I've noticed that in many posts the improvements are pretty much the same. I hack together a solution using for-loops and mutation and then refactor the mutation away, changing the for-loop into a fold or a scan.

In most cases I can also extract the solution to part 1, make one or two things slightly configurable and pass those in both parts.

I'll leave these kinds of improvements out of this section for now and just immediately describe them as they've ended up after refactoring. If I learn something new then it will still end up in this section.


An early interpreter problem today. I kind of like these. In part one I struggled with dealing with the fact that what matters is the value of the X register during a CPU cycle, not after.

When I had that out of the way, part 2 really was pretty straight forward.

The full code for the day is on GitHub.