Advent Of Code 2022 - Day 13: Distress Signal

Dec 13, 2022

It's December. Time for snow, slippery roads, hot chocolate and cozy fire places. Also time for Advent of Code. An advent calendar with small, daily programming puzzles, growing progressively more difficult.

Every year I participate in a programming language I did not use for Advent of Code before, in order to learn new ways of doing things and to challenge myself. This year, that language is F#.

Day 13: Distress Signal

Summary: Given a list of pairs of packets, where each packet is a list where each element is either an integer or another list, determine how many pairs are in the correct order.

Example input:




To determine which packets comes first, compare each element from left to right. If both elements are integers then the smallest comes first. If one element is a list and the other an integer, convert the integer to a single-element list and compare the lists. Finally if both elements are lists, compare their numbers from left to right. If one list runs out of numbers before a difference is found, that list comes first.

Read the full problem statement here.

Today we're helped greatly by the choice of language. The logic for comparing lists already exists in F#. We can prove that by putting some tests in a REPL.

compare [1] [1]
val it: int = 0

compare [1] [1;2]
val it: int = -1

compare [1] [2]
val it: int = -1

F# being a statically typed language, we cannot mix integers and lists of integers. Therefore we need to introduce a type that can do that for us.

type Expr<'a> = Value of 'a | List of Expr<'a> list

This in itself handles most cases. The one case that isn't handled here is when a value is compared to a list. To make that work we have to implement our own, custom comparison function. F# has support for that.

We tag our type with CustomComparison and CustomEquality attributes and implement the required functions. The only one that matters is compare, which compares the two instances. If both are values or both are lists, it defers to the built-in compare. Otherwise it recurses, boxing the value in a list.

type Expr<'a when 'a: comparison> =
    Value of 'a | List of 'a Expr list

    static member compare a b =
        match (a, b) with
        | (Value aVal, Value bVal) -> aVal bVal
        | (List aList, List bList) -> aList bList
        | (List _, Value _) -> compare a (List [b])
        | (Value _, List _) -> compare (List [a]) b

To parse the input we could keep track of brackets and depth and all that jazz, or we could write a recursive parser in FParsec.

let pExpr, pExprImpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
let pList = between (pchar '[') (pchar ']') (sepBy pExpr (pchar ',')) |>> List
let pValue = pint32 |>> Value
pExprImpl.Value <- pValue <|> pList

let parseList = (parseOrDie pExpr)

The interesting part here is on the first line. pExpr is a parser that parses an expression. It defers its implementation to pExprImpl, which is a reference, meaning we can change it. Since pList parses a list matches pExpr, and pExpr is either a pValue or a pList this is our way around that cyclic dependency.

A small helper will check if two packets are in the correct order. It compares the list of packets against the sorted list. We can use built-ins because of our custom compare function.

let inRightOrder expressions = expressions = List.sort expressions

With all that in place, solving the problem is trivial, though a bit more code than I'd like.

We group the input in lists of two packets. We parse each list and immediately check if it's in the right order, storing only that.

We need to sum the 1-based indices of those pairs of packets that are in the correct order, so the rest of the code does that. It adds indices (which are 0 based), removes the pairs that are in the wrong order, drops the booleans, increments the indices and finally sums them.

let solve1 (input: string list) =
    input |> List.splitOnExclusive String.isNullOrEmpty
    |> (parseList >> rightOrder)
    |> List.indexed
    |> List.filter (fun (_, b) -> b)
    |> (fst >> ((+) 1))
    |> List.sum

Part 2

Summary: Part 2 asks us to add two marker packets to the input and find the markers when all packets are in the correct order.

Since List.sort works for us, this is remarkably trivial, although the function ends up being slightly larger than part 1.

We create our markers. Then we take the input, remove the empty lines and parse it. Add the markers and sort the list.

Once again we need indices, so we add the 0-based index to the list. Select only the markers from the remaining list, select only the indices, increment them and finally multiply them.

let solve2 (input: string list) =
    let dividers = ["[[2]]";"[[6]]"] |> parseList
    input |> List.reject String.isNullOrEmpty
    |> parseList
    |> List.append dividers
    |> List.sort
    |> List.indexed
    |> List.filter (fun (_, e) -> List.contains e dividers)
    |> (fst >> ((+) 1))
    |> List.fold (*) 1


I've noticed that in many posts the improvements are pretty much the same. I hack together a solution using for-loops and mutation and then refactor the mutation away, changing the for-loop into a fold or a scan.

In most cases I can also extract the solution to part 1, make one or two things slightly configurable and pass those in both parts.

I'll leave these kinds of improvements out of this section for now and just immediately describe them as they've ended up after refactoring. If I learn something new then it will still end up in this section.


Reading today's problem I had flashbacks to yesteryear's problem with snailfish numbers. A problem that took me many hours to complete. Thankfully it was a lot easier.

I ended up being helped a lot by the language, which already implements list comparison in the same way that this problem expects it, making the rest of the implementation trivial.

The full code for the day is on GitHub.