Advent Of Code 2022 - Day 14: Regolith Reservoir

Dec 14, 2022

It's December. Time for snow, slippery roads, hot chocolate and cozy fire places. Also time for Advent of Code. An advent calendar with small, daily programming puzzles, growing progressively more difficult.

Every year I participate in a programming language I did not use for Advent of Code before, in order to learn new ways of doing things and to challenge myself. This year, that language is F#.

Day 14: Regolith Reservoir

Summary: Given a 2D layout of a rocky formation, determine how much sand falls onto the rocks. Sand falls either directly or diagonally down. If all three directions are blocked, it stays in place.

The source of the sand is at 500, 0. As it falls, the Y-coordinate increases.

The input describes lines of rock formation. Below the described rock formation is an infinite void. Sand dropped below the rocks will fall forever.

Example input:

498,4 -> 498,6 -> 496,6
503,4 -> 502,4 -> 502,9 -> 494,9

Read the full problem statement here.

We can represent the rock formation as a set of points. Lookup in a set should be fast and the amount of sand is relatively sparse. It falls off the edge quite quickly.

To parse the input we can parse each pair of integers splitted by " -> ". We can generate the points by looping over each pair of pairs.

let pPoint = pint32 .>> pchar ',' .>>. pint32
let pLine = sepBy pPoint (pstring " -> ")
let parse str = parseOrDie pLine str

The points function makes a sequence out of each pair of points. We can then use that to map each pair of points, concatenate the sequences so that we get one sequence with all points and then finally put those into a set.

let points ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = seq {
    for x = min x1 x2 to max x1 x2 do
        for y = min y1 y2 to max y1 y2 do
            yield (x, y)

let rocks =
    input |> parse
    |> (List.pairwise >> points >> Seq.concat)
    |> Seq.concat
    |> Set.ofSeq

We need to stop at when sand reaches the lowest point. We get that by looking for the largest y in the set of points.

let low = rocks |> Seq.maxBy snd |> snd

Then we'll start simulating falling sand. We'll drop one grain at a time. If a grain was dropped we'll add it's coordinate to the set with occupied tiles. If it fell into the infinite void then we won't mark anything. Therefore we know we can stop when the set did not grow bigger.

let rec simulate occupied =
    let withSand = addSand occupied low (500, 0)
    if Set.count occupied = Set.count withSand then occupied
    else simulate withSand

let withSand = simulate rocks

To simulate a falling grain of sand we'll spawn it at 500, 0 and look for the three possible directions (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1), in order. If any of those are not occupied, that's where we drop to.

let rec addSand occupied threshold (atX, atY) =
    let targets = [(atX, atY + 1); (atX - 1, atY + 1); (atX + 1, atY + 1)]
    if atY >= threshold then occupied
        let target =
            targets |> (fun pt -> (pt, Set.contains pt occupied))
            |> List.tryFind (fun (pt, occ) -> occ = false)
        match target with
        | Some (pt, _) -> addSand occupied threshold pt
        | None -> Set.add (atX, atY) occupied

After all of this, the amount of sand dropped is the size of withSand minus the rocks.

Set.count withSand - Set.count rocks

Part 2

Summary: It turns out there is no infinite void. Instead, two tiles below the lowest rock formation from the input, is the floor. It spreads infinitely in both horizontal directions. How much tiles will be filled with sand now?

The problem statement mentions that the floor is infinite. Infinite is quite large and the sand will never quite reach infinity. In fact, the lowest point in my input is less than 200, so the sand, starting at x=500 will never reach any x lower than 300 nor any x higher than 700.

Rather than changing our logic, we can add a floor of that size to our set and wait for the set of occupied tiles to not grow bigger.

let rocks = [300..700] |> List.fold (fun occ x -> Set.add (x, low + 2) occ) rocks

In this particular case it's not rolling off that will trigger the set not growing, though. Instead it's the fact that we'll add a grain of sand to 500,0 twice. The second time the set won't grow and we're done.


Part two places around 24.000 tiles of sand with my input. The runtime of this algorithm was quite slow. Approximately 18 seconds on my machine slow. That's kind of insane for such a small problem, so I decided to investigate.

The first realization is that Set.count in F# is actually O(n)! That seems like a bad deal. My first solution was to build a tiny wrapper around F#'s Set that keeps count. This reduced the runtime to slightly over 15 seconds, which is still too slow, but an improvement.

The next improvement was to not process all three targets in addSand. By switching from List to Seq the search becomes lazy and we only process until we found something.

let rec addSand occupied threshold (atX, atY) =
    // ... snip
        let target =
            targets |> (fun pt -> (pt, Set.contains pt occupied))
            |> Seq.tryFind (fun (pt, occ) -> occ = false)
    // ... snip

This improves performance by another second, so we're down to 14 seconds.

At this point I ran out of ideas and started profiling.

F#'s Set

By far the most time was spent in Set.contains. As it turns out, Set isn't very fast.

I wrote a new wrapper around .NET's ImmutableSortedSet which has the same operations and same type of implementation (it's implemented as a sorted tree) and brought the runtime down to 8 seconds. Then I switched to .NET's ImmutableHashSet for amortized constant time performance rather than O(log(n)) and brought the runtime down to three seconds.

The cost of immutability

Trying to push this further, I decided to drop the immutable collection entirely and instead use a mutable 2D array to keep track of the sand and use a mutable integer to count the grains of sand. addSand now returns a boolean to indicate that sand was or was not added. Switching to a 2D array brought the runtime down to well under a second.

The final bottleneck was in trying to find the next target using Seq.tryFind. Switching to a while-loop with a mutable flag for an early abort brought the runtime down to about 250ms.

addSand now looks like this:

let rec addSand (rocksA: bool[,]) threshold (atX, atY) =
    let targets = [| [|atX; atY + 1|]; [|atX - 1; atY + 1|]; [|atX + 1; atY + 1|] |]
    if atY >= threshold || rocksA[500,0] then false
        let mutable found = false
        let mutable i = 0
        while not found && i < 3 do
            found <- not rocksA[targets[i][0],targets[i][1]]
            if not found then i <- i + 1

        if found then addSand rocksA threshold (targets[i][0],targets[i][1])
        else Array2D.set rocksA atX atY true; true

Changing the algorithm

We can push even further by realizing that we don't have to simulate every grain of sand individually. Since we know that we will end at 500,0 and that every reachable spot from there will be filled, we can just visit every spot that wasn't already occupied and count them.

let rec addSand (rocksA: bool[,]) threshold (atX, atY) =
    let targets = [| [|atX; atY + 1|]; [|atX - 1; atY + 1|]; [|atX + 1; atY + 1|] |]
    let mutable count = 0
    if not (atY >= threshold || rocksA[500,0]) then
        for i = 0 to 2 do
            if not rocksA[targets[i][0],targets[i][1]] then 
                    count <- count + (addSand rocksA threshold (targets[i][0],targets[i][1]))
    Array2D.set rocksA atX atY true
    count + 1

We can then return the result of addSand rocksA low (500, 0). This runs in about 15ms.


Today's problem wasn't very difficult. It was, however, fun to write. Finding out that the solution for part 2 was so slow was disheartening and making it quicker was a fun exercise.

I'll probably be improving performance on more problems as we progress to the harder part of Advent of Code. It'll be interesting to see if I can stay away from mutable code while pushing performance, though.

On to the next one!

The full code for the day is on GitHub.